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MNDR – Feed Me Diamonds

Ultra, 2012 [rating:6/10] "Pop music is a platform to say something. You don't have to only talk about parties." Interesting quote from ex-noise artist now shiny electropop-idol-in-waiting, Amanda Warner. Pop music has always been a platform to say something, but this shouldn't make you believe that Warner is positing herself as Lady Bono or worse, Lady

By |2018-07-25T04:50:04+01:00October 30th, 2012|Categories: Album Reviews, Reviews|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on MNDR – Feed Me Diamonds

MNDR – Electro Pop Freakout (2010)

Even with the worldwide chart-smash of "Bang Bang Bang" under her belt as part of Mark Ronson's Business International, Amanda Warner aka MNDR is still something of an underground unknown to the general populace. Having spent the last 10 years making music with psychedelic oddities Triangle, or more recently as MNDR, it's been a non-stop battle that's about to pay off for this Fargo, North Dakota farm girl. With the media baggage ascribed Ronson in the UK from to his work with Amy Winehouse and his own Versions album, MNDR's French-slinging co-write on "Bang Bang Bang" arrived at the right time for everybody to sit up and take notice.

By |2018-08-19T01:48:19+01:00December 2nd, 2010|Categories: Interviews|Tags: , , , , |1 Comment