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LCD Soundsystem – Interview with James Murphy (Static, 2010)

During their recent visit to Australia for Splendour in the Grass we caught up with LCD Soundsystem's main man James Murphy who gave us reason to put away the hankies for LCD's much reported demise - "It’s not necessarily the last record. I would make another record. It’s more the end of this part – three records that go together, an arc. We became a bigger band than I ever expected. Something needs to stop, for me, for us all to be happy." He also waxes lyrical about making the record in the LA of his imagination, growing up and wanting kids, his Greenburg soundtrack experience and his many and varied future projects.

By |2021-01-03T03:04:23+00:00July 29th, 2010|Categories: Interviews|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on LCD Soundsystem – Interview with James Murphy (Static, 2010)